Wednesday, May 20, 2009

it's me again

It's me again. My ideas, my wants, my preferences. I think what I think and want is so special. Do you ever catch yourself thinking that your ideas and desires are really important?

I was reading yesterday about church conflict. The author made a point. Most Christians lived and died before my denomination existed. Millions of people that share my ideas and desires have already lived and died. They came and went. So will I. So will you.

Here is the point. We get so caught up in our opinions and preferences. We get all excited about how we think it is. Yet, we are all going to be here for such a short time.

People are more important than ideas. [that is a generalization, but it has some real truth to it.] Instead of arguing over doctrine and polity, we need to spend our time here on this earth loving one another. God is love. God does not necessarily share my ideas. He is so great, so strong and so mighty. He has revealed himself to us as love. That's what we need to be doing here on earth. Love one another.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Josh S. said...

I think the Pharisees had a lot of ideas, and they were really smart guys. But they didn't have love. Jesus wasn't impressed.

The prostitutes, the tax collectors, and a thief on the cross had developed some bad ideas about life but they had love. They came to Jesus with their hearts more than their minds.

Ideas without love are about ME. I want you to think I have some great ideas. I have had really big problems with pride for most of my life. Maybe God is changing my heart, but my mind can get very puffed up if I'm not careful.

I like that we sing Grace Alone before we go back out into the "mission field" every Sunday. It reminds me that even though my ideas (and even this blog comment) are polluted with thoughts of self, God's grace is at work to bring about something positive -- something that will connect others to Christ.

So ideas should be shaped by, and delivered through, love and grace. If my idea is empty of love, it's a bad idea. If I can't deliver my idea in loving way, I should keep my mouth shut. If my idea has no grace, I have ignored the grace that is given to me every moment of my life.

Sometimes I think like a Pharisee, but God uses something to remind me that I am the Prostitute.

H4EO said...

Amen Brother,

I believe that expressions of love, grace, and forgiveness shown toward others is how we manifest our faith into the world and this reveals God's Kingdom on earth as we were instructed to pray.

If you want to know how you are treating God - look at the way you are treating the folks around you.

YLTF said...

Ideas without love are about ME. I want you to think I have some great ideas. I have had really big problems with pride for most of my life-Josh S

I could not agree more, Pride and ego have been the downfall of many including myself. When we ask God to remove our pride and fill us with humility that we may do his will, we are on the road to happiness and peace. By seeking to do his will we glorify him and de-stress our lives.