Monday, July 27, 2009

Three Friends

I've been thinking about friends and friendships a lot lately. I have some friends from years ago that I still keep in touch with, but many more that I don't. I try not to over think the reason why I don't, but when I do it becomes obvious that the friendship I had with those particular people were not as deep or committed as the ones that have stood the test of time. I feel fortunate to have a few friends these days that probably know more about me than any other friend ever has.....

My father had three friends that he cared for his entire life. I mean entire life...he literally shared the crib with these three friends as a child and was close to each of them his entire life. They were always there for each other. They survived WWII, divorces, family crisis's and distance created by life's circumstances. They spent endless hours talking to each other about (stuff). They had memories that would come up in conversation, but they lived in the moment too. Never selfish, or envious or manipulative. I believe there was an equality and loyalty they shared, but their bond was not built on expectation. (See post 3-28-09) They just truly cared for each other.

My father and his friends are all gone now, but their friendship is something all of our families still talk about. When you see something as pure and committed as what they had you want it for yourself......

Proverbs 18: 24 Friends come and friends go,
but a true friend sticks by you like family.

Lion's Den Man


Sharon said...

I had never read Proverbs 18-24 or at least I didn't remember it, but it's right on. When a friend feels like family, you know it's a true friend. I'm blessed with 3 or 4 that I feel that way about and many others that come very close. The flip side of that is, when you have family members that are good friends and that's why you want to spend time with them--not just because they're family. I'm blessed with both.

Anonymous said...

Great verse. Great post. Thank you, God, for great friends.