Sunday, October 11, 2009


And a little bit more on the subject........

Dave Kinnaman writes in his book, UnChristian, that there are six reasons why today's generation is rejecting the church. This is my summary of his points.

1. hypocrisy. Not that Christians have to be perfect, just don't talk about saving the environment and then drive an SUV. Don't talk about how it's a sin to dance, and then be caught dancing. Preach a faith that you actually aspire to live, otherwise we are irrelevant or worse.

2. conversion. Kinnaman says that people see the church as too focused on conversion. Getting someone to say the special prayer. Ticket punching evangelism. Another notch on our gun. Not enough focus on relationships and the ability of God to reach people in his own way and time.

3. anti- homosexual. this is not to say that you should hold one position or another, what he is talking about is the hatred that some Christians exhibit toward gays and others. How can we be God's people if we do not love our brothers and sisters with whom we may not agree.

4. Sheltered. Christians are boring. Stuck in the 50's. No fun. No celebration of life. It is almost as if I convert, I will be expected to get a haircut, remove my tattoos, and quit dancing.

5. too political. you shouldn't want to leave your church because you don't agree with the preacher. everyone should feel welcome.

6. Judgemental. Here are the good ones, and here are the bad ones.

Kinnaman concludes with an admonition that Christians should work harder to be connected to people, in relationships with them, serving the world and living life with a compassionate heart.

I would say this: we are not going to be here forever. This is our chance to be the church, our chance to emulate the love of God. Let's keep doing it.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


A "Freakin' Angel" said...

Jeff, you may want to check out a new book by pastor Russell Rathbun. nuChristian: Finding Faith in a New Generation, is a practical response to Kinnaman's unChristian, challenging church leaders and all Christians to reach out to new generations with a Christlike community that is humble, authentic, transparent, engaged, holistic, and just. Rathbun is actually doing a blog tour for the book this week. Learn more about the book and the tour at

Dave Templeman said...

Another reason to love WCC. We do a pretty good job of avoiding the problems brought up in point #4. And point #2. And point #5. And point numbers 1, 3 and 6.

We're not perfect, nowhere near perfect. And we know it.

God Bless you all.