Wednesday, November 11, 2009

a nice card

I received a very nice card yesterday from one of our members. Just kind of a "thank you, and I think you are cool" kind of card. The message on the front says, "do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world" Desmond Tutu.

I like that quote. I was commiserating on what a nice message the card had when I turned it over. The logo on the back is "the bird sings." There is a web site,

I checked it out. The owner of the site has created this line of cards. They are available through out the Midwest. They carry them at Price Chopper on Woods Chapel road. I just thought it was cool that besides myself and Shawn Franssens, there is someone else that wants people to hear the birds sing.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Sharon said...

How cool is that? I love it when little coincidences (sp) like that occur. And I love finding just the right card as that member did for you. Makes me smile.

Too bad birds can't smile. I bet they would if they could. ; )

KCSherri said...

Coincidentally, just this morning I blogged about receiving a card yesterday from my sponsored child in Guatemala.

In my blog, I quote what the card said: ...."Dalila helps to decorate the Nativity Scene and she loves to hear the birds singing...."

So...when you're hearing the birds sing here in Lee's Summit...think of a little 6-year old girl in a small, poor village in Guatemala who is also listening to the birds sing.

What a wonderful world we live in.


RevL said...

I watched a bird die yesterday. I was walking my dog and had stopped to visit with my neighbor Bill, when a bird flew down to the sidewalk between us, flapped its wings and then lay still. I share this not to bring you down, but to try and convey the sense of helplessness we felt, as well as the sense of the mystery of life and death. In some way the presence of God was experienced in holy moment of the bird's passing from life to death. God the Creator holds us all, even robins, and Bill and I were privileged enough to witness this.