Saturday, March 27, 2010

turn the page

The older I get, the more things seem to be changing. Last night we visited an apartment that it appears my oldest daughter will be moving into very soon. My other daughter signed a lease yesterday to move into an apartment in August.

And I look at my wife, and I wonder how all of this came to be. I remember when the girls were babies, now, look at them. All grown up and beautiful. And smart, O so smart.

I know that this is what parents are supposed to do. Raise them up to be functioning adults. Kids are supposed to move out. Everyone tells me, "don't worry, they will be back." Maybe so, but we seem to be passing into another dimension, another stage of life. But, its all good. Just time to turn the page.

Sometimes we have to let go of how it was. It will never be the same again. That's ok, and we need to know that its ok, because it is coming and you better get ready. We just don't get to shape reality. Sometimes you get what you want, and sometimes you get what you get. Period. Anybody that says otherwise is not telling you the truth. The sooner that we understand and accept that, the happier we will be.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

~ Moments are fleeting . . . cherish them all . . . for nothing in life is certain ~

Anonymous said...

2 little girls ... "OUR two little girls". They grew up side by side; 3 years apart...They were inseparable.
Well, guess what? They separated. They separated from ME and their father, and from each other. One moved to Lee's Summit, Missouri, and the other to Atlanta. They went to school; they married, they had / have careers; they have children .... I was sad (selfishly) for awhile, and then greatful and appreciative for the purpose they had found in their lives.....Happy that I had set an example for them to be who they wanted to be...Happy that they remember it is not always "they" who are in control, and to be grateful for each day and that they are making their ways in the world....................
Happy that they are good mothers, good workers, and good people. And you know what? It's OK, and it will be OK for you, too...........AND for them. And for your daughters.
Your blog, as always, is food for thought.
From your reader in Florida