Friday, April 9, 2010

In His presence

I got up this morning knowing I had to post today. Sometimes this is a good thing other times not. Sometimes I feel I have something to contribute and other days....well.......I suppose it is called writers block. The answer, the only answer is prayer. My days get so full so fast that I often fail to take the time to pray. Or if I pray I find myself in a routine and with a list or stuff. And at times, even though I know God is with me I feel the conversation I am having is with myself because I haven't acknowledged Him...I haven't entered into His presence. I fail to pay my respect to honor sit in awe......and know I cannot comprehend His being. I fail at times to tell Him how thankful I am for Him and what he has done for me...not my family.....what He has done by creating me and forgiving me for all my shortcomings including the times I fail to give Him the honor and respect He is due.

Thank you Lord for prayer.

Lion's Den Man

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