Saturday, May 18, 2013

Dear Child

Dear Child,
I love you.  Simple words.  Spoken too often?  Can they be?  Even though we have had our moments, I do dearly love you.  The greatest day of my life was the day you were born.  All three of you have brought such joy to my life.

When we brought you home from the hospital, we were given a new purpose in life.  Now you are all gone, out of the house and it is an adjustment.  I miss you.  I miss hanging out with you and being invested in your life.  I am however, we are, very very proud of you. 

I want you to know that I would do anything to help you.  I would give my life, I would take a bullet for you.  Today.  Now.  You are so very very valuable.  I love you so much.

[for those of you not in my family, I suspect there is a spiritual moral of the story here.... if I feel this way about my kids, how must God feel about us?]

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

Jeff, one of my wishes for you is that you can realize what a gift to your children this is, that you can verbalize for them, what you feel.

Unfortunate generations that they were, men in the generations previous to yours and some men even in your own generation, just can't come out with this like you do. Your ability to love so deeply and talk about it is a rare gift from God.

Bless you. Bless your children (all three) and your family.

K-Mac said...

It wasn't until I had my own kids that I understood how much God loves me. I know how I feel about MY kids - and God feels that way about me?! So awesome.
