Saturday, March 7, 2015


I swear this young woman was the most unhappy restaurant worker I had met in a long time.  She was so sour that I thought about talking with the manager.

Then I decided to try another tactic. One day, before Christmas I gave her a $20 tip for an $8 meal.  Then from then on, I just made a point to talk with her and act like everything was fine.  I would like to tell you that a change happened overnight - it didn't.  But slowly, gradually, this person has come around.  Now they smile when they see me, and a person that I thought was not a nice person has emerged from her cocoon to find a joyful life.

It can happen.  The lover creates the love.  Try it.  The best advice, the most important advice that every pastor  needs to hear about relating to the congregation is this, "love the people."  When people know that you love them, they will go to the ends of the earth for you.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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