Tuesday, March 24, 2015


For those of you hanging in there with me about this left, right and center thing I want to say thank you. I have been in a rut and I hate ruts. I have been in them enough times to form that opinion. Ruts are a bad place to be. Growth is stagnated. Ruts can cause separation. Even the simplest of things that seem harmless can put you there. Like consistently choosing the sanctuary vs. worship center, back left row vs.  first front right, this class or topic or author vs. that one and so on…. Each in their own way can be good and yet they place us here and never there or with them and not the others and only this type of thinking vs. that etc. I am guilty of this practice. I believe it provides comfort and comfort is where ruts thrive. Like the saying goes, “If you don’t think you have ever been there then more than likely you are there right now.”  Bottom line is I believe a broader base is a catalyst for change and growth. So I am working on that shift. I will be healthier for doing so.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice.


Lion’s Den Man

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