Wednesday, January 20, 2016

what I am going to do in Florida

Several have asked if I have been offered a bigger church in Florida.  The answer is no.

I have interviewed with the Florida Conference, but they have no guarantees that there is an opening for me.  They have many people that want to transfer to their conference.

If they have a church, I will gladly accept it.  I have loved being a United Methodist Pastor and I would love for that to continue.  If they don't have anything then I will look at being a chaplain at a hospital or look for a support role at a local church.

It will be fine.  But the point of this post is that I am not leaving because I have some big offer.  I have no offer.  I am leaving because I am still in love with the girl that I married all those years ago.  And in a world where so many married people are satisfied with tolerating each other, it is great to be in love.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

Jeff, one of the reasons your decision inspires me is that there is absolutely no institution on this earth any more important than family. If there were more devoted families in America, we wouldn't have so many problems and be waking up every morning to the daily "Crime Report." All babies are born into a world of innocence. It doesn't take long for their world to become messed up, without the presence of a loving, nurturing, guiding family.

I commend you for having such a strong family life. It is hard work and you have met the challenge.

Anonymous said...

Jeff, I think a normal question, from all your blog devotees, is whether you've decided whether you will continue to pen your blog, after you move. Many of your friends, past and present, and some folks from various parts of the country are daily followers of your posts.

I know that in the real world we should realize that our cheese does get moved sometimes and it's okay. If you do not continue to post, I will thank God for all the posts I've gotten to enjoy and learn from.

But if we still get our cheese....yum.