Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Yesterday afternoon for the first time in six weeks, I felt normal.  For a brief window I felt good.  I have been sick at heart over leaving.  Sick to my stomach over change.  Worried about how I will fit in at Cape Coral.  Just general discomfort.  It's embarrassing to be a pastor and feel so all messed up inside.

So, I was really happy when yesterday afternoon, I started to feel normal.  Everything will be ok.  Everything is ok.  My friends in KC will be fine.  We can stay in touch.  I am making new friends in Cape - I can see it happening.

It is so nice to feel normal.  Let's see how long it lasts.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

A thank you prayer.

Anonymous said...

Yay for you, Jeff! You are a good man ... as good as they come. We will always miss you. I felt kind of sick inside on Sunday morning, listening to the Fievel song ... Somewhere Out There. Made me think of you ... somewhere out there (in Florida). Robyn is a lovely person, and we will be fine too.



cheryl said...

Jeff, you and Robyn are going through such a difficult and stressful time. You and your families have been in my prayers. You are missed very much, but I know your new church family will love you as much as we do. How could they not?! I know that Robyn will be well received. She seems to be a very special person and wonderful pastor. I was very impressed with her last Sunday. (She doesn't have to fill your shoes. She has her own, and they are heels! ;) Thank you for all you have done for our church and my family. You are loved. Cheryl Casement

Rob said...

Lots of prayers of support from KC and Cape. One day at a time my friend.

Anonymous said...

Hoping your "new normal" feels good on you. We will miss you guys on Juky 4th!