My mom was a pretty fundamental Christian. Everything was black and white. Lots of judgment.
That was then, this is now. She is in heaven with Jesus now and I know that she is basking in his love and sharing it with others. She is whole.
So what does this have to do with Halloween? My mom, the fundamental Christian, loved Halloween. She set aside all of her dogmas and let the dogs out for Halloween. Demons that were feared and riled against during the rest of the year were amicably welcomed on Halloween. She had more Halloween decorations than Christmas ones.......
One of my favorites was a sign, which went up every year on the front door. The sign had an ugly witch on it and it said, "Welcome kiddies, put all your goodies in the box below... go quietly and no one will get hurt." Yes there was a box underneath the sign. No one ever left any candy, but I find the story to be so funny.
Have a Happy Halloween. October 31 is the Lord's day too. The devil does not get a day. Today is the Lord's day. This is our father's world.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Monday, October 30, 2017
We have all been victimized by something. We are all refugees from something. A certain amount of grief is natural, a certain amount of a pity party is warranted. Lord knows I have had my share.
Hopefully though, we don't get stuck on the negative forever. We don't want our lives to be dominated by what is wrong or what was wrong. At some point, hopefully, we rise up, get our feet back on solid ground and get back in the game.
Remember in the movie Top Gun when Maverick had disengaged from the dog fight? He said, "talk to me Goose." He found the inner strength and resolve and reentered the fray.
What ever has got you down, may you have a talk with Goose or Jesus or your best friend and rediscover the inner resolve. Your world needs you back, heck, the world needs you.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, [and even a better day with you engaged] be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
Italy's Historic and Religious Sites
November 7-16, 2017
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March 5-14 2018
Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018
Hopefully though, we don't get stuck on the negative forever. We don't want our lives to be dominated by what is wrong or what was wrong. At some point, hopefully, we rise up, get our feet back on solid ground and get back in the game.
Remember in the movie Top Gun when Maverick had disengaged from the dog fight? He said, "talk to me Goose." He found the inner strength and resolve and reentered the fray.
What ever has got you down, may you have a talk with Goose or Jesus or your best friend and rediscover the inner resolve. Your world needs you back, heck, the world needs you.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, [and even a better day with you engaged] be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
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October 8-17, 2018
Sunday, October 29, 2017
why am I here
A friend sent in this thought from "Grace For The Moment" by Max Lucado. Max was talking about how time slips by, and here's what he had to say:
"As we get older, our vision should improve. Not our vision of earth, but our vision of Heaven. Those who have spent their life looking for heaven gain a skip in their step as the city comes into view. After Michelangelo died, someone found in his studio, a piece of paper on which he had written a note to his apprentice. In the handwriting of his old age the great artist wrote: "Draw Antonio, draw, and do not waste time." Well-founded urgency, Michelangelo. Time slips. Days Pass. Years fade. And what we came to do must be done while there is time."
I think that we have all asked the question, am I doing what I should be doing? Or in my life overall, have I been busy doing what God put me here to do.
Let me comment.... Being a pastor is not enough. Being a school teacher is not enough. Being a nurse is not enough. Being a whatever is not enough.
Was I a pastor that loved? Was I a school teacher that loved? Was I a nurse that loved?
We make it so complicated, when it is really quite simple. Did I love?
If you love, you are doing what you were put here to do. It just takes some of us a while to discover that.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
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"As we get older, our vision should improve. Not our vision of earth, but our vision of Heaven. Those who have spent their life looking for heaven gain a skip in their step as the city comes into view. After Michelangelo died, someone found in his studio, a piece of paper on which he had written a note to his apprentice. In the handwriting of his old age the great artist wrote: "Draw Antonio, draw, and do not waste time." Well-founded urgency, Michelangelo. Time slips. Days Pass. Years fade. And what we came to do must be done while there is time."
I think that we have all asked the question, am I doing what I should be doing? Or in my life overall, have I been busy doing what God put me here to do.
Let me comment.... Being a pastor is not enough. Being a school teacher is not enough. Being a nurse is not enough. Being a whatever is not enough.
Was I a pastor that loved? Was I a school teacher that loved? Was I a nurse that loved?
We make it so complicated, when it is really quite simple. Did I love?
If you love, you are doing what you were put here to do. It just takes some of us a while to discover that.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
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Saturday, October 28, 2017
my friend
My friend is sick. Maybe. She has been to the doctor a bunch. They can't find anything. I guess that is good. Maybe it's just stress.
This is someone who has given so much to so many. So much to life. So much to children and families. This is someone who is as good of a person, as good of a soul as I know.
So here is some free advice from an old partly retired Methodist...
1. take it easy
2. work less hours
3. go on vacation
4. go skiing
5. go somewhere with your friends
6. drink a beer.
7. go watch a road race
8. treat yourself to a pedicure
9. let someone else be good to you
We who were raised by Lutherans tend to work ourselves to death.... no need. Life is good if we take time to savor it.
"There is no duty that we so much underrate as the duty of being happy."
Robert Louis Stephenson
"Every now and then, one must take care of themselves so that they can again be good for others."
Jeff Brinkman
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
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This is someone who has given so much to so many. So much to life. So much to children and families. This is someone who is as good of a person, as good of a soul as I know.
So here is some free advice from an old partly retired Methodist...
1. take it easy
2. work less hours
3. go on vacation
4. go skiing
5. go somewhere with your friends
6. drink a beer.
7. go watch a road race
8. treat yourself to a pedicure
9. let someone else be good to you
We who were raised by Lutherans tend to work ourselves to death.... no need. Life is good if we take time to savor it.
"There is no duty that we so much underrate as the duty of being happy."
Robert Louis Stephenson
"Every now and then, one must take care of themselves so that they can again be good for others."
Jeff Brinkman
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Friday, October 27, 2017
The other day I was out to breakfast with my new friends Jim and Betsy. Half way through our meal, there was a hubbub. Servers talking to each other, running around. We thought someone was sick or in trouble.
Being nosy, we asked what was up.
All they said was, "LOOK!"
Outside across the street was the most beautiful rainbow. I stopped and smiled and appreciated it. I savored it. Then I thought about how so many people don't go to church, but they see God's miracles and are amazed. Romans 1:20 tells us that enough of God is revealed by the things that he has made so that people are held accountable, have no excuse. This rainbow was so beautiful, anyone would have said WOW! I hope that their WOW is a prayer of thanks to God.
His promise is still out there in the world. His promise of love and grace. The promise that he is the great Creator and Victor over all fear and worry.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
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March 5-14 2018
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October 8-17, 2018
Being nosy, we asked what was up.
All they said was, "LOOK!"
Outside across the street was the most beautiful rainbow. I stopped and smiled and appreciated it. I savored it. Then I thought about how so many people don't go to church, but they see God's miracles and are amazed. Romans 1:20 tells us that enough of God is revealed by the things that he has made so that people are held accountable, have no excuse. This rainbow was so beautiful, anyone would have said WOW! I hope that their WOW is a prayer of thanks to God.
His promise is still out there in the world. His promise of love and grace. The promise that he is the great Creator and Victor over all fear and worry.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
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October 8-17, 2018
Thursday, October 26, 2017
I saw these empty carts early one morning at Walmart. I thought immediately of how they were going to be used later in the day. They were resting now but would soon be bustling around. I thought about how crazy it gets around dinner time and at the holidays. Empty carts at Walmart are a harbinger of busy times ahead.
They I thought of the empty pews at so many churches... Signs that we used to have more people in worship than we have now. Signs that we built buildings to accommodate the crowd that used to be.
I find it sad that empty shopping carts speak of hope, but empty pews speak of decline. What if we started looking at empty pews differently? What if we began to believe that the pews can be full again? What if we began to pray for those who might come and sit in them? What if we began to graciously look for those whom we could invite to come to church with us?
Let's Pray, "Dear Lord, may the empty pews be full again, may the power of your message reach into the community, may we see our churches as places of hope. Amen"
If Walmart can do it, so can we. God is not done with our churches.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
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March 5-14 2018
Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018
They I thought of the empty pews at so many churches... Signs that we used to have more people in worship than we have now. Signs that we built buildings to accommodate the crowd that used to be.

Let's Pray, "Dear Lord, may the empty pews be full again, may the power of your message reach into the community, may we see our churches as places of hope. Amen"
If Walmart can do it, so can we. God is not done with our churches.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
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October 8-17, 2018
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
it ain't over yet
My friend Pat wrote in to say that as Christians, we always believe that "the worst thing that happens is never the last thing."
This reminded me of Paul's statement in Romans 8 "the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed."
No matter what is going on in your life today, there are better days ahead, and as much as I want us to see the good and celebrate this day, here and now, there is for sure a home for us with God in the heavens.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
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October 8-17, 2018
This reminded me of Paul's statement in Romans 8 "the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed."
No matter what is going on in your life today, there are better days ahead, and as much as I want us to see the good and celebrate this day, here and now, there is for sure a home for us with God in the heavens.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Tuesday, October 24, 2017
The Power of a Hug
From my friend Sherry...
I remember walking into the common area near our church
library one Sunday morning and there stood a church member with a sign that
said “free hugs.” The spirit in our
church that morning just kind of lit up as people stopped to get a free hug.
I’ve thought many times lately about a Carnegie Mellon study
a few years ago that said there are indications that a hug can actually help
people feel better, and maybe enjoy better health. There were indications that it could even
reduce the symptoms of a common cold. I
have also read studies that say that people who live alone, especially the
elderly just thrive better if family members remember to hug them.
If newborn babies thrive on being hugged, and the elderly
who live alone need hugs, then maybe we’d better think about the benefits for
these and all the ages in between. Hugs
cost us nothing, and when extended along with a genuine smile and caring words
can lift a person’s spirits.
We have recently had someone in our family who went through
a health crisis. While they were on the
mend, and I was wondering how I could help encourage them in feeling better
physically and mentally, God just seemed to make me aware of the power of a
hug. I’ve been trying it, and guess
what. It’s making the person feel more
secure and experience a stronger sense of well-being.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
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November 7-16, 2017
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March 5-14 2018
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
Italy's Historic and Religious Sites
November 7-16, 2017
Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018
Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018
Monday, October 23, 2017
Sunday's Sermon Audio
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here is the audio from 10-22-17
Sermon- The Wind Blows
here is the audio from 10-22-17
Sermon- The Wind Blows
Someone asked me about witnessing to others...
A few years ago, the United Methodist church added the word witness to our membership vows. Prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. Witness scares most people. I am supposed to do what?
Witness does not mean that you run around scaring people to death. It doesn't mean that you become an annoyance to others. It doesn't mean that you leave your normal life to corner folks and talk to them.
When we are living the Christian life, we are a witness. Our word and our actions, are a testimony to Christ. We don't have to tell people that we follow Christ, they can see it. They can tell that there is something loving and joyful about us.
Witness does not mean that you run around scaring people to death. It doesn't mean that you become an annoyance to others. It doesn't mean that you leave your normal life to corner folks and talk to them.
When we are living the Christian life, we are a witness. Our word and our actions, are a testimony to Christ. We don't have to tell people that we follow Christ, they can see it. They can tell that there is something loving and joyful about us.
John Wesley is quoted as saying, "Share your faith, when necessary, use words."
Our goal should not be to rush out and witness, our goal should be to follow Christ and then just do what comes naturally. You will know when it is right to talk with someone, and you will know when it is weird. Stay close to your Father and love Him with all your heart. If we do that, we can't help but be a witness.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
Our goal should not be to rush out and witness, our goal should be to follow Christ and then just do what comes naturally. You will know when it is right to talk with someone, and you will know when it is weird. Stay close to your Father and love Him with all your heart. If we do that, we can't help but be a witness.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
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November 7-16, 2017
Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
Italy's Historic and Religious Sites
November 7-16, 2017
Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018
Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018
Sunday, October 22, 2017
God can use you
So many people wish that they could be used by God, but they just cannot believe that God would use someone as broken as they are.
If this is your thought process, who do you think that God uses? Does he look for perfect people to use? Where would he find them?
Think about it... if you are looking for comfort and advice in the midst of marital troubles, would you rather talk with someone who had no problems or someone who had lived through marital hell? If you were struggling with an illness would you rather talk with someone who had perfect health or someone who had lived through some rough illnesses?
Our hurts can be a blessing to others.
"Nobody escapes being wounded. We are all wounded people, whether physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. The main question is not, 'How can we hide our wounds?' so we don't have to be embarrassed, but 'How can we put our woundedness into the service of others?' When our wounds cease to be a source of shame, and become a source of healing, we have become wounded healers." Henri Nouwen
Don't rob others of the gift that you are. Get over the fact that you are broken and reach out to others with compassion. God will use your brokenness to bring encouragement and hope. I promise.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
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October 8-17, 2018
If this is your thought process, who do you think that God uses? Does he look for perfect people to use? Where would he find them?
Think about it... if you are looking for comfort and advice in the midst of marital troubles, would you rather talk with someone who had no problems or someone who had lived through marital hell? If you were struggling with an illness would you rather talk with someone who had perfect health or someone who had lived through some rough illnesses?
Our hurts can be a blessing to others.
"Nobody escapes being wounded. We are all wounded people, whether physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. The main question is not, 'How can we hide our wounds?' so we don't have to be embarrassed, but 'How can we put our woundedness into the service of others?' When our wounds cease to be a source of shame, and become a source of healing, we have become wounded healers." Henri Nouwen
Don't rob others of the gift that you are. Get over the fact that you are broken and reach out to others with compassion. God will use your brokenness to bring encouragement and hope. I promise.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
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Saturday, October 21, 2017
Maybe as you read this, you are hurting.
I hurt sometimes too. I wish that I had the magic pill to take away your pain, but I don't. Every life seems to have it's problems, it's issues. It almost seems to me that the longer I live, the more problems I collect. And I thought when I got old enough, my problems would go away. Ha ha.
Anyway, let me say this.... I have learned along the way that feelings are fickle. I can have a problem and it will be eating my lunch. And then the next minute or the next day, I can find happiness even though the problem is still there.
We have no choice but to live with and within our problems. It won't hurt forever. Stay with the program, stay with life, keep seeking the good. Your feelings will turn, even if the problem does not.
I am so sorry that you hurt. I wish I could hug you and make it all go away. Keep your chin up. Life is still good.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
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October 8-17, 2018
I hurt sometimes too. I wish that I had the magic pill to take away your pain, but I don't. Every life seems to have it's problems, it's issues. It almost seems to me that the longer I live, the more problems I collect. And I thought when I got old enough, my problems would go away. Ha ha.
Anyway, let me say this.... I have learned along the way that feelings are fickle. I can have a problem and it will be eating my lunch. And then the next minute or the next day, I can find happiness even though the problem is still there.
We have no choice but to live with and within our problems. It won't hurt forever. Stay with the program, stay with life, keep seeking the good. Your feelings will turn, even if the problem does not.
I am so sorry that you hurt. I wish I could hug you and make it all go away. Keep your chin up. Life is still good.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
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Friday, October 20, 2017
creation miracle
Here is a Banyon tree. Banyon trees have a very odd characteristic. Off of their branches, they drop "feelers" that make their way to the ground and become roots. It is so strange... like one of your whiskers growing down and becoming another leg.... One of God's interesting oddities of life.
Now here is a Banyon tree in Jaycee Park in Vero Beach that has a palm tree growing right out of the middle of it. I guess a bird dropped a palm seed right in the right crevace of the tree. Every time I see this tree in a tree I smile.
God's world is amazing.
What do you see when you wake to a new day? There are miracles all around us.
And so it is a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
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Thursday, October 19, 2017
Working hard at seeing the good is so very important....
"If you lose your possessions, you may have lost a lot. If you lose your health, you have lost a great deal. But if you lose your peace of mind, you have lost everything."
It's a beautiful day in God's world, keep working hard to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
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March 5-14 2018
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October 8-17, 2018
"If you lose your possessions, you may have lost a lot. If you lose your health, you have lost a great deal. But if you lose your peace of mind, you have lost everything."
It's a beautiful day in God's world, keep working hard to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
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Wednesday, October 18, 2017
One of my favorite stories
A mother could not get her little son to come home from his games before dark. So she frightened him: she told him that the path leading to their house was haunted by ghosts who came out as soon as the sun went down.
After that, She had no more trouble making him come home before dark each evening. But when the boy grew up he was so afraid of the dark and of the ghosts that he refused to go out of the house at night.
Occasionally she would need something from the store and would want him to go get it. So she gave him a medal to wear and convinced him that as he wore his medal the ghosts would have no power to harm him. So now he ventures forth into the dark clutching his medal.
The moral of the story.....
Bad religion gives us fear and powerless medals. Good religion helps us to see that there are no ghosts.
A nineteenth-century Shaker by the name of Thomas Brown questioned the infallibility of the Shaker leader "Mother Ann" and the ministry that followed her. He complained to the elders that "Your gospel seems like a tunnel: the farther I travel in, the narrower it grows." A true community of faith provides the light at the end of the tunnel.
After that, She had no more trouble making him come home before dark each evening. But when the boy grew up he was so afraid of the dark and of the ghosts that he refused to go out of the house at night.
Occasionally she would need something from the store and would want him to go get it. So she gave him a medal to wear and convinced him that as he wore his medal the ghosts would have no power to harm him. So now he ventures forth into the dark clutching his medal.
The moral of the story.....
Bad religion gives us fear and powerless medals. Good religion helps us to see that there are no ghosts.
A nineteenth-century Shaker by the name of Thomas Brown questioned the infallibility of the Shaker leader "Mother Ann" and the ministry that followed her. He complained to the elders that "Your gospel seems like a tunnel: the farther I travel in, the narrower it grows." A true community of faith provides the light at the end of the tunnel.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
Italy's Historic and Religious Sites
November 7-16, 2017
Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018
Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
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March 5-14 2018
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October 8-17, 2018
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Happiness has nothing to do with the outside. Money, power, respectability promise to bring happiness. But they don’t. People without these things can be happy.
There once was a prisoner held by the Nazis. The poor man was tortured every day. One day they changed his cell. In the new cell there was a skylight. He wrote home to his family about the joy of the fresh air and the sunlight.
There once was a prisoner held by the Nazis. The poor man was tortured every day. One day they changed his cell. In the new cell there was a skylight. He wrote home to his family about the joy of the fresh air and the sunlight.
What difficulty are you facing? Do you allow it to keep you in prison, or are you still free?
"One cannot make a slave of a free person, for a free person is free even in prison"
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
"One cannot make a slave of a free person, for a free person is free even in prison"
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
Italy's Historic and Religious Sites
November 7-16, 2017
Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018
Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018
Travel with Pastor Jeff
Italy's Historic and Religious Sites
November 7-16, 2017
Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018
Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018
Monday, October 16, 2017
help my church grow
Sometimes people still ask me for ideas to help their church grow. Here is something simple that I thought of the other day.
You want your church to grow? Remove all undesirables. Remove all obstacles to growth.
By undesirables I don't mean people, but there might be some that you need to manage and get under control.
Barriers to growth, undesirables might be-
In short, anything that would cause someone to take your church off of their list, fix it right away. Any agenda, even if it is your favorite, if it is off mission, let it go. You may even want to have some fresh eyes come in and look around because we humans get used to "good enough" and that won't win new folks.
Removing barriers won't guarantee growth, but keeping the undesirable things will certainly create barriers and keep new people away.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
You want your church to grow? Remove all undesirables. Remove all obstacles to growth.
By undesirables I don't mean people, but there might be some that you need to manage and get under control.
Barriers to growth, undesirables might be-
- not enough parking
- a shabby exterior appearance
- sad colors
- trash outside
- trees that need to be trimmed
- no greeter
- an overly forceful greeter
- bathrooms that are not clean
- bathrooms that need to be remodeled
- rusty water
- bad singers
- too long of worship service
- themes of guilt and shame
- no nursery, dirty nursery
- on and on it goes
In short, anything that would cause someone to take your church off of their list, fix it right away. Any agenda, even if it is your favorite, if it is off mission, let it go. You may even want to have some fresh eyes come in and look around because we humans get used to "good enough" and that won't win new folks.
Removing barriers won't guarantee growth, but keeping the undesirable things will certainly create barriers and keep new people away.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
Sunday, October 15, 2017
There is always someone that will criticize you. Let it roll off of your back.
A monkey was up in a palm tree. He saw a Methodist Preacher walking below. The monkey pulled a coconut loose and threw it down, striking the Preacher on the head.
The preacher picked up the coconut, drank the milk, ate the coconut flesh and made a bowl from the shell.
May we all have that response the next time we are given grief.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
Italy's Historic and Religious Sites
November 7-16, 2017
Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018
Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018
A monkey was up in a palm tree. He saw a Methodist Preacher walking below. The monkey pulled a coconut loose and threw it down, striking the Preacher on the head.
The preacher picked up the coconut, drank the milk, ate the coconut flesh and made a bowl from the shell.
May we all have that response the next time we are given grief.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
Italy's Historic and Religious Sites
November 7-16, 2017
Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018
Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018
Saturday, October 14, 2017
I wasn't going to
So I saw this sign. I wasn't sure what to think.
I had never thought of doing that.
I wasn't going to do that.
Who would ever try that?
Maybe there is a giant around the truck lot?
No great life lesson here, I just thought the sign was funny.
And Lord knows that we all need to laugh from time to time.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good, but don't push it.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
Italy's Historic and Religious Sites
November 7-16, 2017
Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018
Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018
I had never thought of doing that.
I wasn't going to do that.
Who would ever try that?
Maybe there is a giant around the truck lot?
No great life lesson here, I just thought the sign was funny.
And Lord knows that we all need to laugh from time to time.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good, but don't push it.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
Italy's Historic and Religious Sites
November 7-16, 2017
Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018
Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018
Friday, October 13, 2017
sermon audio from Sunday
Several have asked about if the sermons at Ft. Pierce UMC will be recorded. This is an audio file that I recorded of last Sunday's Sermon 10-8-17.
I thank my friend Brittney for helping me with the technical part of it.
Here is the link if you wish to listen
Sermon 10-8 The Jesus that I know
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
I thank my friend Brittney for helping me with the technical part of it.
Here is the link if you wish to listen
Sermon 10-8 The Jesus that I know
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
Handyman success
So I take it out of the fridge and empty out the ice. Hmm. Look what I found in the icemaker... a spoon!!!
Seems that young ladies, when their eyes get puffy, put ice cold spoons on their eyes. Next time, let's just put the spoons in the freezer, not the ice bin. I wish that every problem in life was this easy to fix.
Handyman 1
Spoon 0
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
Italy's Historic and Religious Sites
November 7-16, 2017
Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018
Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018
Thursday, October 12, 2017
advice for a pastor
So I started a new appointment at Ft. Pierce First UMC last week. I was talking to a friend who told me this... They said, "Jeff I want to remind you of the advice for success that you always gave to me and every other pastor."
I said, what advice???
They said, "preach good sermons and love the people."
Good advice indeed.
Thanks friend for the reminder.
It's like the idea that if you get the basic things right in life, most everything else will work out. On this hangs all the law and the prophets.
Preach good sermons and love the people.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
Italy's Historic and Religious Sites
November 7-16, 2017
Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018
Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018
I said, what advice???
They said, "preach good sermons and love the people."
Good advice indeed.
Thanks friend for the reminder.
It's like the idea that if you get the basic things right in life, most everything else will work out. On this hangs all the law and the prophets.
Preach good sermons and love the people.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
Italy's Historic and Religious Sites
November 7-16, 2017
Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018
Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Why blog post response
I posted the other day about why I was born in America instead of some third world country. My friend Susan replied with this comment....
I have wondered this same thing many times. How am I so fortunate? It comes down to God's plan for me and finding my purpose. To love others, to be His hands and feet. I have been handing out blessing bags to the homeless on the street corners, visiting friends who are in need, reaching out. I keep feeling like it's not enough, which spurs me to continue.
To whom much is given, much is expected.
I have wondered this same thing many times. How am I so fortunate? It comes down to God's plan for me and finding my purpose. To love others, to be His hands and feet. I have been handing out blessing bags to the homeless on the street corners, visiting friends who are in need, reaching out. I keep feeling like it's not enough, which spurs me to continue.
To whom much is given, much is expected.
Surely one appropriate response to our abundance is to do all that we can to help the less fortunate.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
Italy's Historic and Religious Sites
November 7-16, 2017
Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018
Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
Italy's Historic and Religious Sites
November 7-16, 2017
Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018
Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
why do bad things happen???
Sometimes we humans ask, "why do bad things happen to us?" Some people get mad at God and hate him forever because of things that happen to them in this life.
Well this is a big topic and a complicated topic, but I would like to add a thought to the discussion. I am sure that this is not a new thought...
So, here we go... Imagine that your life is only good. Only perfect, just as you wish. What is your favorite food? You get to eat it every day. What is your favorite vacation? You are on it every day. Do you get where this is going? Soon I would loathe Coconut cream pie and Yellowstone park. I would take it all for granted.
Imagine a person who has never seen the ocean. They go on a trip one day and see it, and they are amazed, they are mesmerized by the waves. They love it. They vow to sell all and move to the beach, which is exactly what they do. They buy a fishing boat and live in view of the beach every day. But after a while, they become accustomed to their surroundings. What once was amazing is now familiar and soon becomes unappreciated. The person comes to a point where they no longer see the amazing beauty of where they are living.
On trips to Nicaragua, we would treat the Rainbow Network staff to dinner in town at the Monkey Restaurant. What is an amazing once a year gift of a special meal to the indigenous Nicaraguans, is barely appreciated by we Americans.
The cold of winter makes us appreciate spring. The sorrow of heartache makes us appreciate joy. Being away from loved ones causes us to miss them. Going a year without a hug makes one appreciate it more when it arrives. Hard times not only help us appreciate good times, they define the good times. Without the hard times, we wouldn't even know what the good times were.
Without difficulty, life would be bland. Hard times are necessary in this world if we are to understand the joy and amazing beauty of this life.
It is a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good...
Well this is a big topic and a complicated topic, but I would like to add a thought to the discussion. I am sure that this is not a new thought...
So, here we go... Imagine that your life is only good. Only perfect, just as you wish. What is your favorite food? You get to eat it every day. What is your favorite vacation? You are on it every day. Do you get where this is going? Soon I would loathe Coconut cream pie and Yellowstone park. I would take it all for granted.
Imagine a person who has never seen the ocean. They go on a trip one day and see it, and they are amazed, they are mesmerized by the waves. They love it. They vow to sell all and move to the beach, which is exactly what they do. They buy a fishing boat and live in view of the beach every day. But after a while, they become accustomed to their surroundings. What once was amazing is now familiar and soon becomes unappreciated. The person comes to a point where they no longer see the amazing beauty of where they are living.
On trips to Nicaragua, we would treat the Rainbow Network staff to dinner in town at the Monkey Restaurant. What is an amazing once a year gift of a special meal to the indigenous Nicaraguans, is barely appreciated by we Americans.
The cold of winter makes us appreciate spring. The sorrow of heartache makes us appreciate joy. Being away from loved ones causes us to miss them. Going a year without a hug makes one appreciate it more when it arrives. Hard times not only help us appreciate good times, they define the good times. Without the hard times, we wouldn't even know what the good times were.
Without difficulty, life would be bland. Hard times are necessary in this world if we are to understand the joy and amazing beauty of this life.
It is a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good...
Monday, October 9, 2017
World War 2
I love the city of San Francisco. I love to visit there. On my last trip I took this picture of two World War two vessels that are moored in SF bay. One is the Pampanito, a 311 foot submarine that sunk 4 ships in the pacific. The other is the Jeremiah O'brien, a cargo ship known as a liberty ship that carried supplies across the Atlantic. It is 441 ft long and travels at a maximum speed of 13 mph with a crew of 44. 2710 liberty ships were built, 200 were sunk. 2 fully functioning survive today.
When I see these ships I think of the men and women who served on them. I think about the terrible time in the 1940’s when our world was at war with the Nazi regime. It seems to me to be one of the few wars that people are still glad that we fought. I am thankful for every veteran, I am thankful for every sacrifice that every person made for the war effort. During WW2 there was rationing… almost everything was collected for the war effort so many common items were not available to the average person. Gasoline, bacon, butter, sugar, meat, tea, jam, biscuits, cheese, eggs, lard, milk and canned and dried fruit were all rationed. Factories that produced new cars ceased civilian auto production and turned their vehicles over to the military or shifted to manufacturing aircraft.
It was a somber time for our country and the world.
May we never have to engage in such conflict again.
It’s a beautiful day in God’s world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
Italy's Historic and Religious Sites
November 7-16, 2017
Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018
Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018
Sunday, October 8, 2017
I have a friend who was born in Austria and was a refugee after WW2.
I have a friend who was born in rural Nicaragua. She has never seen a flush toilet. She has never worn makeup. She has never been able to buy the things that we have Costco deliver to us. She has no healthcare. She sleeps on the floor of a mud and stick house.
I was born in Kansas City. In a hospital. I have always had healthcare. I have always had clean running water. I have always had 3 meals a day. My parents paid for me to go to college. Why???
Why is one born in Austria and spends years running from war and death? Why is another born in impoverished circumstances? Why was I born here?
I asked this question in church one time and someone said, well you were born in Missouri because that is where your parents lived. Ha ha. That is not what I mean.
Why does one soul enter a body in Russia, one is North Korea and another in the US? There is no good answer. Just please understand that if you were born here or now live in the US, you are blessed. We are so blessed.
We used to sing the song, God bless America. Like we wanted more blessings. It is time for us to stop asking for blessings and begin to bless others. Just saying.
It’s a beautiful day in God’s world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
Italy's Historic and Religious Sites
November 7-16, 2017
Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018
Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018
Saturday, October 7, 2017
We all have our pet peeves. Things that bother us. I don’t like to be around drivers who speed. I am not a fan of pretentiousness. But one of my big ones is this- I don’t like to waste food. Maybe this is because my parents grew up in the depression and we never wasted anything. If we had leftovers, we ate them until they were gone. When I was a kid we ate bread by itself, cheese sandwiches and baloney. Lots of baloney. Nothing was wasted, ever. I bet that our garbage disposal [if we even had one] was never used once by my mother.
It is also possible that I don’t like wasting food because I have seen truly hungry people. I have met people who wish that they could eat ¼ of what we eat in a day. I have seen children cry because they were hungry. We used to tell our kids that there are starving children in Africa. They would say, then send the food to them.
I saw this billboard in San Francisco. It is so true. We Americans waste so much food. When a person has so much, they begin to take what they have for granted. Please don’t waste food. I used to know a guy who owned a restaurant and at the end of the day he would take extra food down to the homeless folks. I loved that.
Think about it. Keep less food around. Eat everything that you take. You will save money that you can use to help others.
It’s a beautiful day in God’s world, be sure to see the food.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
Italy's Historic and Religious Sites
November 7-16, 2017
Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018
Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018
Friday, October 6, 2017
New Assignment
Sunday I begin a new job, a new assignment. I am pleased to let you know that I will be filling in as an interim Pastor at the Ft. Pierce First United Methodist Church. The pastor there is a Navy Chaplain and is being deployed for a year. It is a part time assignment so I will still be able to enjoy the retired life.
My wife and I have been attending church there for months. We really like the people and I am looking forward to reengaging with the work of Jesus’ ministry. I thought of Mel Gibson in the movie signs… He was a pastor, but quit the church after his wife died. At the end of the show he has regained his faith and is putting on his preaching clothes. I know it felt good for him to reengage. It feels good to me.
Please keep me and Ft. Pierce First UMC in your prayers. And if you are ever that way, service starts at 9:30am. Everyone is welcome.
It’s a beautiful day in God’s world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
Italy's Historic and Religious Sites
November 7-16, 2017
Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018
Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018
Thursday, October 5, 2017
fairweather fans
free tickets left along the sidewalk
by the right field gate. Free for the taking.
After they made the world series, everything changed... for a bit. Suddenly everyone in town is jumping on the Royals band wagon. The stadium was full. Tickets were expensive and hard to come by. You had to park in the sticks. The worst of it was that you actually had to sit where ever your seat actually was.
I missed the old days when they were bad. Things were simpler. You just got to go and enjoy the game.
Well last week it was like the old days. The Royals are out of the playoffs. We parked in row 4. We sat where ever we wanted. Tickets were cheap or free. Usually people stand in line at the park to buy tickets. Last week, there was a line of people with extra tickets, just giving them away. No scalpers at the stadium last week. The crowd was sparse, the bathrooms were empty, and there were no lines to buy a hot dog.
I hope the Royals do well, but I just love baseball. Let's learn to enjoy the game, whether our team does well or not.
Things won't always go the way that we want them to in this life. Let's learn to enjoy life, even when things don't go the way that we want them to go. There will be losing seasons. Life is still good. Stay in the game.
It’s a beautiful day in God’s world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
Italy's Historic and Religious Sites
November 7-16, 2017
Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018
Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Happy moment
![]() |
left to right- Bobby, Alli, Scott and Jenny |
So Saturday was Alli's birthday party. No friends, just family. They ate, they drank ice tea, and they swam. Late in the day, they all crashed on the porch to watch a tv show. Here they are, all together, laughing and enjoying one another.
Life is too short to spend time fighting. May God grant them, and us, more days of enjoying each other.
It's a beautiful, happy day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff
Italy's Historic and Religious Sites
November 7-16, 2017
Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018
Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
an open letter to pastors
Dear Pastors,
I beg you to hear me out. Would you ever intentionally do anything to alienate 50% of your congregation? I hope your answer is no. I hope that you want to win every person. I hope that we would follow the example of Paul who became all things to all people so that he could win them.
Our nation is split down the middle. Look how close the last elections have been. Now you are entitled to your opinion on politics, but sharing it publically via the pulpit or on facebook is not why we entered the ministry. We are here to share the love and grace of Jesus. Every moment that we spend talking about something else is a moment lost forever to share God's love and grace. Anytime a person rants about this or that political thing, they run the risk of alienating 50% of the congregation. We pastors can end up hurting the very people that we are supposed to be reaching and then we wonder why the appointment is not going well.
Note that neither Paul nor Jesus talked about how good or bad the Roman emperor was. Note that neither Paul nor Jesus rant about Rome's treatment of people. They stuck to their message, teaching people to live lives of love. They focused on Kingdom work.
Sure there are times to take a stand on certain things, but please be careful. We can invite our hearers to be gracious and kind without tearing down others. I encourage you to read and stick to the words of Jesus. He welcomed and won all people: Roman centurions, prostitutes, Pharisees, tax collectors, zealots and Samaritans. May our work in the ministry of Jesus do the same, reaching all within the sound of our voice with the message of grace.
It’s a beautiful day in God’s world, be sure to see the good.
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I beg you to hear me out. Would you ever intentionally do anything to alienate 50% of your congregation? I hope your answer is no. I hope that you want to win every person. I hope that we would follow the example of Paul who became all things to all people so that he could win them.
Our nation is split down the middle. Look how close the last elections have been. Now you are entitled to your opinion on politics, but sharing it publically via the pulpit or on facebook is not why we entered the ministry. We are here to share the love and grace of Jesus. Every moment that we spend talking about something else is a moment lost forever to share God's love and grace. Anytime a person rants about this or that political thing, they run the risk of alienating 50% of the congregation. We pastors can end up hurting the very people that we are supposed to be reaching and then we wonder why the appointment is not going well.
Note that neither Paul nor Jesus talked about how good or bad the Roman emperor was. Note that neither Paul nor Jesus rant about Rome's treatment of people. They stuck to their message, teaching people to live lives of love. They focused on Kingdom work.
Sure there are times to take a stand on certain things, but please be careful. We can invite our hearers to be gracious and kind without tearing down others. I encourage you to read and stick to the words of Jesus. He welcomed and won all people: Roman centurions, prostitutes, Pharisees, tax collectors, zealots and Samaritans. May our work in the ministry of Jesus do the same, reaching all within the sound of our voice with the message of grace.
It’s a beautiful day in God’s world, be sure to see the good.
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Monday, October 2, 2017
Every now and then I feel that I should say something about suicide.
I am compelled to write about it, because I think it is so sad that someone would end their own life, in effect saying, there is no more good left here for me on this earth.
I can write about this, because during two different periods of my life, I thought about it. Thankfully I never acted on those feelings, but we all must admit, sometimes it is hard to see the good. Sometimes life just feels overwhelming.
Here is what I want to say. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. No matter how bad things are, circumstances will change. You can heal. You can recover. Sure, life isn't perfect, but there is so much good. I would hate to miss any of it. I am glad that I have learned to live through the down moments and believe that there is still good.
If you are wondering if your life is worth living, I say to you, YES IT IS!!! You matter to God and to us. Don't take action based on a low point in life. Better moments are around the corner. Life is still beautiful and the sun will rise for you and bring you a new day. Believe for a better day. It is coming.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
Travel with Pastor Jeff
Italy's Historic and Religious Sites
November 7-16, 2017
Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018
Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018
I am compelled to write about it, because I think it is so sad that someone would end their own life, in effect saying, there is no more good left here for me on this earth.
I can write about this, because during two different periods of my life, I thought about it. Thankfully I never acted on those feelings, but we all must admit, sometimes it is hard to see the good. Sometimes life just feels overwhelming.
Here is what I want to say. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. No matter how bad things are, circumstances will change. You can heal. You can recover. Sure, life isn't perfect, but there is so much good. I would hate to miss any of it. I am glad that I have learned to live through the down moments and believe that there is still good.
If you are wondering if your life is worth living, I say to you, YES IT IS!!! You matter to God and to us. Don't take action based on a low point in life. Better moments are around the corner. Life is still beautiful and the sun will rise for you and bring you a new day. Believe for a better day. It is coming.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
Travel with Pastor Jeff
Italy's Historic and Religious Sites
November 7-16, 2017
Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018
Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018
Sunday, October 1, 2017
an age old message
I started focusing on seeing the good in life in my late 40's. What a shame! What was I doing the first 48 years of my life? I don't know, maybe I was not ready to focus on the message of seeing the good in life. Now although I still have days when I don't see the good, I am trying hard to be a champion for that message.
Six weeks ago I was in San Francisco. I stayed at the San Remo Hotel in the Fisherman's wharf area. It was a cheap stay for that part of town, $110 per night, but it was an old fashioned hotel. Shared bathrooms, no exterior window for that price, and almost a hostel feel. The hotel was built in 1906 right after the earthquake. It has many items in the hotel that have decorated the walls for over 100 years. I took a picture of this picture.
"It's easy enough to be pleasant when life goes by like a song, but the man worth while is the man with a smile when everything goes dead wrong."
Way back before my parents were born, someone was thinking about seeing the good in life. Right after an earthquake, someone was reminding people of the joy that is found when we see the good in life.
I don't know what is going on in your world. But if you are facing some sort of challenge, See, look, peer into life. See what is really there. There is so much good. It's not a new message, but it is never to late to take it up.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
Six weeks ago I was in San Francisco. I stayed at the San Remo Hotel in the Fisherman's wharf area. It was a cheap stay for that part of town, $110 per night, but it was an old fashioned hotel. Shared bathrooms, no exterior window for that price, and almost a hostel feel. The hotel was built in 1906 right after the earthquake. It has many items in the hotel that have decorated the walls for over 100 years. I took a picture of this picture.
"It's easy enough to be pleasant when life goes by like a song, but the man worth while is the man with a smile when everything goes dead wrong."
Way back before my parents were born, someone was thinking about seeing the good in life. Right after an earthquake, someone was reminding people of the joy that is found when we see the good in life.
I don't know what is going on in your world. But if you are facing some sort of challenge, See, look, peer into life. See what is really there. There is so much good. It's not a new message, but it is never to late to take it up.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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