Monday, October 30, 2017


We have all been victimized by something.  We are all refugees from something.  A certain amount of grief is natural, a certain amount of a pity party is warranted.  Lord knows I have had my share.

Hopefully though, we don't get stuck on the negative forever.  We don't want our lives to be dominated by what is wrong or what was wrong.  At some point, hopefully, we rise up, get our feet back on solid ground and get back in the game.

Remember in the movie Top Gun when Maverick had disengaged from the dog fight?  He said, "talk to me Goose."  He found the inner strength and resolve and reentered the fray.

What ever has got you down, may you have a talk with Goose or Jesus or your best friend and rediscover the inner resolve.  Your world needs you back, heck, the world needs you.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, [and even a better day with you engaged] be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff

Italy's Historic and Religious Sites

November 7-16, 2017

Holy Land via Jordan

March 5-14 2018

Wesley's Ireland

October 8-17, 2018

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