Thursday, October 5, 2017

fairweather fans

free tickets left along the sidewalk
by the right field gate.  Free for the taking.
I went to Kansas City last week to catch the last few Royals games of the season.  In the old days, before they made the world series, you could always find free tickets.  You could park up close and sit where ever you wanted.  Royals gear was cheap.  I bought my Royals hats at Walmart for $5.

After they made the world series, everything changed... for a bit.  Suddenly everyone in town is jumping on the Royals band wagon.  The stadium was full.  Tickets were expensive and hard to come by.  You had to park in the sticks.  The worst of it was that you actually had to sit where ever your seat actually was.

I missed the old days when they were bad.  Things were simpler.  You just got to go and enjoy the game.

Well last week it was like the old days.  The Royals are out of the playoffs.  We parked in row 4.  We sat where ever we wanted.  Tickets were cheap or free.  Usually people stand in line at the park to buy tickets.  Last week, there was a line of people with extra tickets, just giving them away.  No scalpers at the stadium last week.  The crowd was sparse, the bathrooms were empty, and there were no lines to buy a hot dog.

I hope the Royals do well, but I just love baseball.  Let's learn to enjoy the game, whether our team does well or not.

Things won't always go the way that we want them to in this life.  Let's learn to enjoy life, even when things don't go the way that we want them to go.  There will be losing seasons.  Life is still good.  Stay in the game.

It’s a beautiful day in God’s world, be sure to see the good.

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Travel with Pastor Jeff

Italy's Historic and Religious Sites
November 7-16, 2017

Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018

Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018

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