Wednesday, February 26, 2020

My father's story

Let me preface this post with a word about advertisements.  I made the choice years ago to not use this blog to advertise products.  You know the drill, if I monetize the blog with ads, you will have all sorts of things pop up trying to sell you something, and probably something that has been stored in your cookies.

The only things that I want to advertise are love, joy, peace, awareness, love, kindness, friendship, outward focus and love.

Having said that I want to tell you a story.  I have often wished that I could have got my dad to record his life story, or to write a history of his life.  I know so little about what he did in the war, what he did during the depression, how he felt when he was unemployed for a year, on and on it goes.

It makes me happy that I blog because I know that when I am gone, if my kids are interested, there are years of daily writings that they can read.  I think that some part of us deep inside wants to know where we came from.  We want to know our parents, our roots.

Having said that, I want to tell you that for Christmas my oldest daughter, Allison and her husband Bobby gave me a present called "storyworth."  It took me a while to figure out what it is, but when I did, I thought it was the coolest thing.  Every Monday I get an email with a question to answer.  I write my response and send it in.  At the end of the year, Storyworth prints a hard copy book with 52 stories from my life.  I love the idea and I have enjoyed writing.

Having said that, if you are interested in trying to capture stories of your loved ones, here is the link to the storyworth product.

click here to read more about storyworth

Tomorrow, back to love, joy and kindness.

It's a beautiful day in God's world be sure to see the good.
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I am leading a trip to Ireland in July... If you are interested in reading about it, or joining in, the link is below.....

Treasures of Ireland
July 13-22, 2020

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