Thursday, March 26, 2020


I am not going to confess to fear.  I am not going to give an ear to fear.  But what is going on in our country is a bit unnerving.

Unnerving?  How so?

The restaurants are closed.
The banks are drive up only.
I heard an economist tell people not to withdraw large sums of cash.
[So they are worried about a run on the banks?]
People are sick.
Service industry people are losing their jobs.
School is cancelled.
I heard it might be a biological weapon.
Some of the beaches are closed
There is no toilet paper.
The lines in the grocery store show just how worried people are.
I can't find a face mask to buy...

Yes the world is a bit unnerving right now.

Then I stop and think...

Some people in some countries have never seen a restaurant, and if they have they have never had the funds to go there.  Some have no money to put in a bank.  Some people have no health care.  Some people work for $5 a day.  Some have never had the chance to go to school, get an education or learn to read.  Some will live and die and never see a beach.  Some will live and die and never see toilet paper.  Some live constantly with hunger and food scarcity.

I am not so unnerved after all.  God has given us so many blessings.  In uncertain times, may we be those who see the good.

It's a beautiful day in God's world be sure to see the good.
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