If you grew up with a benefit of some kind, you may have not known what a blessing you had. You simply grew up with it, and so we take the benefit for granted.
If you did not grow up with a thing, you will likely really appreciate it when you first get it. But unfortunately, over time, many of us grow callous and begin to take things for granted.
I have a friend who adopted a teenager from another country. The child had lived in an orphanage their whole life. They owned nothing and had no opportunities to advance in life. The orphanage fed them and they had other kids to play with. Then suddenly, overnight, the teen is in America. They have their own room, they have loving parents, they have access to an American suburban standard of life. My friend told me it took his son three weeks to go from an orphan to a spoiled entitled American teenager.
How quickly we forget our blessings.
So just in case you have not given thanks lately, may we be thankful, grateful, every day for:
a roof over our head
a toothbrush
a computer
a car that runs
food in the pantry
a table to sit at
plates and silverware
running water
a flush toilet
toilet paper
a free country
The list of things that we take for granted could go on and on. Or we can stop it. We can stop taking things for granted and live with a heart of appreciation. For our church, for electricity, for friends, for family... on and on it should go.
Thank you God for the things that we often don't remember to say thank you for.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
Send replies to jsbrink57@gmail.com
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