Thursday, June 4, 2020

what to post?

Dear Friends, I am running out of ideas to write about.

Since I don't serve a church full time, I think fewer people are reading this blog than used to.  I also recognize that since I am not reading as many books as I did when I was in full time ministry, I am finding less to write about.

When I started writing in May of 2007, I felt that I had a good deal to write about.  Today I feel more like an old guy who is past his prime.  Probably good reason for that.

Any way, I am not saying that I am done with the blog, I am just saying that I may only write from time to time.  So if you don't get an email with the blog post, maybe I just didn't have anything to say.  It is ok to not have anything to say.  I am sure that we all feel like that from time to time.

I am not sick, and nothing is wrong.

It has been a good run and I have enjoyed it, but I think that I am just going to write from time to time.  Let me know if that is ok.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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