I am sure we all get angry from time to time. I know some people that are eaten up with anger.
Someone did you wrong. You got fired. Someone doesn't like you. Someone doesn't want to be with you anymore. You were rejected.
It all hurts and anger can be the result. I too have collected some wounds over the years. Some of them still sting from time to time. Here are things that I do to combat anger when it rears it's ugly head.
1. I don't dwell on the memory. Since you can only think about one thing at a time, I choose to think about something else.
2. I think of those who hurt me and I pray for them. I see them standing next to Jesus and I see that Jesus loves them. I remember that much of what they did was not intentionally done to hurt me. The hurt was a byproduct of something that they said or did.
3. I refuse to let negativity dominate my day. I remind myself that no matter what happens in my life, it is my job to give my day to God. If I am angry about something, I am no good to anyone that I meet during the day.
4. I spend time with good people. When I am with people that I like, it makes me happy and it takes my mind off of the hurts.
I hope those little ideas are helpful to you.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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