Ok, it happened. Someone hurt you. Yes it happened, yes it was said, yes it was done. It hurts for sure.
There is this human response to want to hurt back. Sometimes we want to hurt the person who hurt us and sometimes we don't want to hurt them because we love them, so we end up hurting others. We humans sometimes carry hurt like a wet blanket hung over our backs.
[It took me years in ministry to realize that some of the angry people that I ran across were not angry at me, there was just something else going on in their life and I was an easy target.]
Anyway, you are hurt and you want to hurt back. Don't do it. Nothing is gained by you hurting that person back. Your feelings will change. Feelings always change. They are a lovely valuable person created by God. Don't hurt them. You will come out on the other side. Keep looking for people to love. See the good, do the good. Things will get better.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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