Monday, February 27, 2023

Way, truth and life

The following is based partly on a Richard Rohr devotional, I think from last week...

In John 14:6, Jesus says...
"I am the way, the truth and the life..."

Denomination "A" has their "way."

Denomination "A" has their version of the truth.

Denomination "A" thinks that the life that Jesus was referring to was eternal life.

Denomination "A" wants us to believe that their version of way, truth and life is what Jesus was talking about.

Hmmm.  I disagree.  If their way is exclusive or judgmental, it is not Jesus' way.  If their version of truth includes being unkind to others, well, that is not a Jesus thing.  And life, well, it is more complicated, it is bigger than their idea of it.

In fact, all of God's ideas, all of Jesus' ideas are bigger than ours.  What Jesus meant by the "way" the "truth" and the "life" has to be bigger than the borders and boundaries set by narrow human definitions..

 Don't worry about the dogma of Denomination "A."  Just get up every day and do your best to follow the way of the loving God.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good. 

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