Friday, May 12, 2023

From a recent devotional by Richard Rohr...

“We are going to hit some turbulence ahead,” [my flying instructor] went on, “and you will learn something about your airplane…. If you tighten your grip on the yoke, you reduce the aerodynamics of your aircraft. You, as the pilot, actually make the flight less safe, steady, and stable. So, remember: When the going gets rough, fly loose....”

Our world today is nothing if not swirling, turbulent wind tossing us around. [Recently], we have experienced economic meltdown, climate countdown, racial throw down, political breakdown, technology showdown, and religious letdown. We are living through the breakdown and breaking open of much that has defined modern life.

In the face of such extraordinary transition, it’s natural to look for solutions to our problems.... We tightly grip the yoke of our families, businesses, government, and communities, trying to regain control of people and systems that feel broken...

And so friends, as times are unstable, the advice here is to relax.  Getting all balled up or bunched up is only going to make our lives more stressful.  Sometimes we have to take a deep breath... relax, let go, and trust God.

Everything is ok.  Bank failures and all.  Don't make yourself crazy by being worried sick.  Fly loose.  Hold to God's unchanging hand.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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