Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Lead with love

To quote the Bishop of Florida, Tom Berlin, "lead with love."

I received a note recently from a friend who was concerned that many of their friends were leaving the church over the "gay issue."  

Let me say this to you all... please do not leave your church.  We must decide.... do we want a church that is based on the judgment, shunning and rejection of those with whom we do not agree?  Or do we want a church that models Jesus' life of unconditional love.

There were lots of gay people in Jesus' time.  He never addresses the issue.  Why?  This was not his mission.  He never tried to separate the perceived "good from the bad."  He just loved people.

We who claim to follow Jesus, might want to do the same.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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