Friday, November 15, 2024

thinking before you speak

There is an old saying, "be sure to engage brain before putting mouth into gear."  We should think before we speak.  We should also think before we write.

I always proof read what I write before I post it, but sometimes, things sneak by.  On Veterans Day, I posted about watching the draft "online."  Obviously, in 1975, we did not watch anything online.

A savvy reader caught that timeless mistake on my part.

Always read what you write more than once.  In fact, if you have to send something that is sensitive, have a trusted friend or coworker read what you intend to send.  They may save you a headache later.

Just a few more moments of thought will save us from speaking or emailing words that we cannot take back.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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