Monday, January 6, 2025


Two bits of relief to share today.

First of all, my son in law, Bobby Lascon has gone home from the hospital finally.  Thank you for the prayers.  

Second... todays post:  the relief of having a sermon behind you.

So Sunday I filled in for a pastor friend.  If you want to watch or listen, here is the link:

click here to watch or listen to the message from yesterday

So I have to tell you, it has been a while since I have preached a sermon.  Also, this was a first time for me in an unfamiliar venue.  When it was all over, and I got back to the place where I am staying, there is a huge relief!

The worry, the concern, the preparation, the trying to get it just right...
the trying to feel it, even if it’s something you’ve said 100 times.

And then preaching it to room that’s completely empty due to a snow storm.

Finally it is over, and you are done and it is quite a relief!!!  And I have two more Sundays coming up so I have to get to work on next week.  It is the first time in 7 years that I have preached more than one Sunday in a row.

Very exciting.  But also a relief when it is over.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Note... if anyone in the KC area has a very large suitcase that I can borrow please let me know.

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Here is the link to the Italy trip that I am leading in November of 2025.  There has been a good deal of interest, but there is certainly room for you!

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