Sunday, January 31, 2021

retired life

 So what do you do when you don't have a job to go to?  I joke that I can only clean the garage so many times.  I can only soak the paint brushes so many times.

But let's face it, some of the benign, seemingly insignificant things that we do matter a lot.

Yesterday I vacuumed the crap out of the bed of my truck.  I put a new head on a sledge hammer.  I installed a new mirror on the truck.  

new truck mirror

Next week when the new icemaker gets here, I will get that in the freezer.

Not a job, and I don't get paid, but important things.  There is great satisfaction in taking care of your stuff.  I think I am going to hire someone to break things around here just so I will have things to fix from time to time.

It is a beautiful, possibly mundane day in God's world, don't see it as mundane.  See it as beautiful.

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