Thursday, December 19, 2024


Why are we here?

I have just started watching the Netflix series "Churchill at War."  Winston Churchill believed that he was put on this earth to save England and to save the world from Hitler.

What a good feeling that must be to know that you are here on this earth for a purpose.

What is my purpose?  I mean, me, Jeff?  Well I could tell you that I served a purpose for 30 years as a Methodist pastor.  That was really fulfilling.  But it is over now.

I could tell you that I fathered three children and had the privilege of raising them.  That is truly a noble purpose.  But now that is pretty much over as well.

So what is my purpose?  What will be yours after you retire?

... you guessed it... we are here to show kindness.  Saving England is wonderful.  Raising children is fantastic, if it is done with kindness.  

At the end of the day, the trait of genuine kindness will bring joy and purpose to any life.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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Here is the link to the Italy trip that I am leading in November of 2025

click here for the brochure

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