Thursday, January 23, 2025

at the crossroads

Sometimes in life we come to the crossroads.  A choice lies before us.  Shall I go to the left or shall I go to the right.

Robert Frost suggested that we take the road less travelled.  Probably good advice.  I believe that most humans however, make a natural choice for what is easiest.  It is like we default to our comfort.

But, great things were never accomplished by those who repeated take the easy way out.  Sometimes you have to put your big boy or big girl pants on and wade into the unknown.

If you are facing a challenge in your life, don't keep avoiding it.  Sometimes a bright future is just on the other side of the clouds that hamper our view.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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I am leading a trip to Italy in November of this year.  Would love to have you join.

click here for the Italy brochure

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