Monday, February 11, 2008

feeling crummy

Last night I wrote this blog as I was feeling crummy. Not sick, but spiritually crummy. I think everyone has moments like this.

Why is this feeling here? Have I been bad? Was the sermon bad? Humility is not a very exciting topic. It's not a very funny topic. In fact, it is real serious. Am I just tired from preaching 4 sermons? Emotionally spent? Is it a stage? Am I having a personal problem that is weighing on me? Any or all of the above. Does it matter why? These moments just come sometimes.

When these times came when I was young, I thought that something was wrong. I prayed harder, I cried out to God. I expected him to fix the crummy feeling. I don't do that so much anymore. I know that these moments come and go. I have to learn to trust him no matter how I feel. It is not God's job to fix me every time I feel discouraged. We can't always go by our feelings.

You know, just getting this out, and on paper is making me feel better. It's like anyone can trust God when the sun is shining. It makes me feel good to trust him and not have to go crazy everytime I feel distant from him.

It is a beautiful day in God's world, whether I feel it or not. Let's keep working at seeing the good.


Lion's Den Man said...


A few months back I entered into a “Spiritual dry time”. A friend of mine picked up on it and sent me a comforting voicemail that basically said hang on good things will from this. About 30 minutes later another friend called. He new nothing of the drought I was in, but felt the need to send me a message. ”Hey, good morning…. just wanted to call and say hi….it’s a beautiful day in Gods world and it’s a great day to be alive. Have an awesome day.”

Well, neither message changed any thing right then and there or did they? I saved both voicemails and have listened to them each day since November 11, 2007. I’m about up to full speed again if there is such a thing. Anyway, sorry to hear you are down just remember as it was told to me "it is always darkest before the dawn”, “weeping last for a night, joy comes in the morning” On the other side of a dry time we find special things that God has planned for us." Good words of wisdom from that first voicemail. I love you, bless you. Call me any time you need a lift.


Lion’s Den Man

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you were going through this at the time. I only recently began reading your blog, but whether or not humility is an exciting topic, I can vouch for the fact that it was meant for the ears of at least one member of the congregation. God has been so amazing to me, and I am humbled by the fact that He loves me so much even though He has seen everything I've ever done and even my every thought. You serve Him well, Jeff. You lead others to Christ by making Christ's LOVE apparent. Preaching truth does not have to mean preaching a venomous truth, and God's truth comes out of your mouth layered on all sides with love. Thank you for loving Jesus the way that you do, and when (not if) you get discouraged again, just remember how happy it must make God when His children trust Him the most when we feel His presence the least.