Today, she got the word. She is in the program! Now if she just stays at it another two years, she will graduate and have a job as a nurse.!!!
Ahhh. Yes! Dad is happy. Dad is proud of Alli!
Dad is proud of Jenny and Scott too.
Thank God.
On a lighter note, the girls had an intramural softball game at 10pm last night. Jenny [the one on the left] called to say that she got a hit. She was very excited. Jenny is a freshman at CMSU. Anyway, life is pretty good for them right now.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
I am celebrating! YAHOOTY!
Way to go Alli - all the studying, and dedication have paid off. Keep it up, just 2 short years left.
You and Cathy must be so proud! Oh Happy Day!!!! (I remember that song from Easter - it seems fitting for this occasion too.)
and my happy day was Easter... all three children in church.. a Mother's deepest desire came true...
Congrats Alli! That's a great accomplishment and a smart one too. Medical services are in great need of good nurses now. At John Knox Village we even recruit from overseas. Nice job.
Glad to know Alli & Jenny are having fun at "The Burg" - 35 years now since I was there.
What a blessing your children are!
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