Thursday, March 27, 2008

Alli gets in

Celebrate with me! My oldest daughter Alli, [the one on the right in the picture] is finishing her sophomore year at CMSU. She had applied for the nursing program. Had to write an essay and keep her grades up. Lots of folks want in the program, it has limited space.

Today, she got the word. She is in the program! Now if she just stays at it another two years, she will graduate and have a job as a nurse.!!!

Ahhh. Yes! Dad is happy. Dad is proud of Alli!
Dad is proud of Jenny and Scott too.
Thank God.

On a lighter note, the girls had an intramural softball game at 10pm last night. Jenny [the one on the left] called to say that she got a hit. She was very excited. Jenny is a freshman at CMSU. Anyway, life is pretty good for them right now.

Enjoy your kids. They grow up fast. Suddenly, Easter 1991 will turn into Easter 2008. Time flies, but it is all good. We have much to be thankful for.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


chigger farmer said...

I am celebrating! YAHOOTY!

Way to go Alli - all the studying, and dedication have paid off. Keep it up, just 2 short years left.

You and Cathy must be so proud! Oh Happy Day!!!! (I remember that song from Easter - it seems fitting for this occasion too.)

terry said...

and my happy day was Easter... all three children in church.. a Mother's deepest desire came true...

Anonymous said...

Congrats Alli! That's a great accomplishment and a smart one too. Medical services are in great need of good nurses now. At John Knox Village we even recruit from overseas. Nice job.

Glad to know Alli & Jenny are having fun at "The Burg" - 35 years now since I was there.

What a blessing your children are!