Saturday, March 8, 2008

when the self receeds

If you would like to help put together shelves in the missions building, meet me up there today [Saturday, March 8th] at 10am. Should be done by noon, but even 30 minutes of your time would be a help. Now on to the blog post.

When the self receeds...........

When the self receeds, love will emerge. It is an interesting idea. We try so hard to be good and to do good. I think that our efforts sometimes get in the way. Our humanness sneaks in and ruins our efforts without our even knowing it.

The sly self is so self-centered. We are clouded by our brokenness so that we keep falling back towards self interest. I try to be loving, but Jeff keeps getting in the way.

What if instead of trying to love, and the self getting in the way, what if we just worked on removing the self. What if I was able to truly see and resist my selfishness. What would be left? Maybe the grace of God would just come rushing out of me. It is an interesting thought.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Lion's Den Man said...

Got to be free to let love into your life...

Peace Lion's Den Man