Tuesday, March 25, 2008

sermon ideas or requests

I am making plans for the next couple of months worth of sermons. Are there any topics that you would like the Pastor to cover? Are there any questions that you would like him to take a shot at answering? There may be something that I can't do a sermon on, but I would write about on my web page. Anyway, I would like to know what is on your mind, what is on your heart.

Please post a comment to this blog with sermon ideas or send me an email at Jeffb@woodschapelchurch.org

Its a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff

One of the most powerful pieces of scripture that I've applied to my life is from the sermon on the mount. Matthew 6:25-34. Everyone worries about something - we all have things that stress us out. When we have a worried spirit we are farther from God and have difficulties answering His call to serve others because we are busy serving our worries. I don't worry much anymore, God has and will continue to provide what I need. Good stuff to share.

Dave T

Anonymous said...

spiritual warfare I have heard other people talk about this "other" world where the devil or Satan battle it out. I'd like to know what Methodists believe about this.

Anonymous said...

Giving of yourself. We do an awesome job giving of ourselves globally, but maybe giving of ourselves closer to home. One problem with a large church is people don't feel as 'needed' anymore. The opposite is so true...with a large church we need MORE volunteers to help. It is almost the old "Well, someone else will do it. We have over 1,000 people at this church." Just a thought!

Anonymous said...

One of the most powerfull things I see in the church bulliten each sunday, next to "connecting people to Jesus Christ" is the simple phrase in the back, amongst the who's who and the whats what it says, "Ministers, the entire congregation" This means so much to me and I take it serious. I only wish that I could spend all my time serving God. I even find myself envious of those who have been called and get to spend their lives doing God's work. The members of our great church staff and our loved pastors. That phrase though gives me a little bit of what they must feel..that I TOO can be a minister that I TOO can maybe help bring someone to Christ. I can turn away from idol gossip, I can not look at others and judge, I can try to see all people the way Jesus does and to love them as much as I as a human can. I look for that little comment everytime I'm in church..and it means so much to me.
I would love to hear my brothers Jeff or Clay or my sisters Gina or Sherry give a sermon on the importance of that little phrase and how we can better fullfill the awsome role we are entrusted with.

Anonymous said...

Would you give your thoughts on dealing with chronic physical pain?
I'm sure there are many people in our congregation who carry this burden.
