Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The gift of sleep

Wow, do I sleep good when it is raining. Not thundering, just the steady pitter patter of rain on the roof. I slept for 9 hours last night! That is awesome, and unusual for me.

I think sleep is a miracle. It is a proof for God. If humans evolved, why do we sleep? How does sleep renew us? How is it that you are asleep, but your brain is still working? Amazing. Last night I was dreaming that I was in the gospel choir singing, "Hold to God's Unchanging Hand." Maybe I should go to Gospel Choir practice tonight.

When I have a problem, I go to bed with a heavy heart and I pray. Most often, when I wake up in the morning, I am healed. Today, I am healed. I am free from my burden. God just did it in the night.

Sleep is a miracle. Refreshed, ready and clean. I wake to the day. It is amazing what God can do. There is a reason why people pray before they go to bed. It is like the prayers work in your heart while you sleep.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Ken said...

You and I and the Psalmist in Ps 30:5 have the same experience in this area. It is truely wonderful!

chigger farmer said...

Rhythmic, refreshing rain. It creates its own unique cadence for the day - and night. The rain breaks my routine, makes me think, and makes me thank!

Anonymous said...

i've been hoping you'd join the gospel choir again! :)