Sunday, April 5, 2009


Well, I was thinking about this. [sin] Everyone [many people] are so worried about sins, and they usually have a list that they are particularly worried about. Interestingly enough often those who have a list of sins that they are worried about, have your sins on their list, but not their own. Funny. We humans are funny like that.

When I was a kid I was taught that sin separated me from God because God gets mad. And God cannot abide with sin. Well, I know there is some Biblical evidence for these thoughts, but I have some other thoughts which are also supported by scripture about God's love for us and his desire to live with us day by day, moment by moment.

Think about that for a moment. Do you prefer to believe that God is mad at you every time you do something wrong, and is just waiting to throw you away. Or do you believe that God loves you so much that his Holy Spirit is constantly working to reach you, lead you, and draw you closer to him, even when, maybe especially when you do something wrong.

Is it a sin to walk by a daffodil and not give thanks to God? Is it a sin to walk by a daffodil and not even notice it? When we are so consumed with ourselves that we cannot even be aware of God's work in the world around us, well, I would say that our behavior has separated us from God. Not because God is mad, but because we just weren't paying any attention to him. Instead of working on our relationship with him and recognizing him in this world that he has made, well, we get self consumed.

Let's notice the daffodils, the tulips, the birds and all of it. God made it all and it is good. Let's be aware of his amazing creation and celebrate each moment of this life with him.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Sharon said...

Your blog reminds me of the line from the movie The Color Purple--"God gets mad when we don't notice the color purple"--or something very close to that. That really made me stop and think.

When you consider all the colors He created and put out there for us to! It would seem sinful for us not to notice.

Angie Gaeth said...

Jeff, you've been in my prayers today. We were at the 10:10 service when someone calle out for a doctor. My first thought was to pray for that person and a few minutes later I saw you and you have been on my heart all day. I can't imagine how you went on and preached again, but I know you did, but I also know the concern you would have continued to have had. Thank you for having the strength that you do. My prayers are with you and with this parioshener.