Saturday, January 17, 2015

Going out and coming in-

Going out and coming in -

I have been thinking lately about the doors of our church.  What is the message coming in?  And what is the message going out?

On some of our doors there is a message about “going forth to serve,” or “now entering the mission field.”  But there is no message on the way in.  That leaves the idea about what this place is- open to the interpretation of those who enter.  Some undoubtedly will walk in with fear.  Some will walk in, worried that they will be judged.

So I am thinking about trying to get the main teachings of Jesus posted at every door.  But what would they be?  Would we argue over what the most important commandments were?  We might, but the more I think about this, I think Jesus addressed the question himself by listing them, “ Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.”

What if every time you walked in, you were reminded to love God and neighbor as yourself.  What if every time you walked out, you were reminded to go and serve, to be the hands and feet of Christ.

I like the idea.  I wonder if it will catch wind and fly.  We shall see.

It’s a beautiful day in God’s world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

You have a great idea - make it so!

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of the helpful and professional looking signs that were done the past couple of years, inside and outside our building. Seems like everything our church does like this is first class and so helpful in navigating our campus.

I hope it's okay to interject an additional thought about potential signs when you're entering. My passion and desire for our church is the our best sineage, as you enter, is people signs. Living, breathing people, who derive joy from offering welcomes and helping people when they enter.

We will surely have come full circle, when we have people throughout the entire morning, in our main foyers, demonstrating to not only visitors, but our members, that smiles, handshakes, conversations and answered questions really matter to us. We are part way there, but not all the way.