Friday, November 6, 2015


On Sunday, October 25th I wrote a post about why I go to church.  Here were some of my reasons:

1.  I love to take time to honor God.
2.  It is a great way to start the week.
3.  I usually learn something.
4.  I meet great people.
5.  I am a part of something that is doing very significant work.
6.  Together we can do much more than what I can do alone.
7.  I get to care about others.  And in a world of self-centeredness, that is very important.

Someone wrote a comment to that post:
And the paycheck surely comes in handy. (smiles)

I receive this comment with warm appreciation.  And I want to comment on it.

Yes I do receive a paycheck.  I think we always like to get paid.  Whether I was working at the Bicycle shop, the Shoe store, the asphalt company or a church, I was always glad for payday.  Work is an important part of life.  We all need to learn to work, and how to manage our money.  We also need to learn to see our money as a blessing from God that is to be managed for his purposes, not simply for our pleasure.

So, yes I am glad for a paycheck.  But I want to tell you this...... if for some reason all churches have to close, or it becomes illegal to pay pastors, I will keep doing what I am doing.  I love being a pastor.  I may have to take another job to pay the bills, but I am never going to stop caring about people and doing everything that I can to be a part of Jesus' work.  There is a reward in loving others that is bigger than a paycheck.  I hope you feel it too.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The verbal paycheck explanation you've shared is what you've already shared non-verbally as we watch your life and the passion you have for loving people and ministering.

God bless.