Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Bean, Jon, Old Man, Vic, Ellie, Cam
The is the Cundiff Family.  Jon, Vic, Cam, Bean and Ellie.  They are awesome.  I love them.  We have been friends for 22 years.  They came to my 40th birthday party in 1997!! I met these boys when they were 5 years old.  Jon and I played softball together for 15 years.  Jon knows more jokes than any human being that I have ever met.

There are some people in this world that you just think of and you just love.  Last week, they were on vacation in St. Petersburg.  We both drove to North Port and met for dinner.  What a wonderful time we had!  We sat and talked for 2 1/2 hours!!

Listen to me.  If you have friends, value them.  Tell them that you love them.  Call them today and tell them you love them.  The day may come when you are miles apart.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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