Saturday, August 6, 2016

the power of a teacher

I had many teachers growing up as we all did.  If you ask me to name my favorite teacher, without hesitation the answer would have been my 6th grade teacher, Betty Jackson.

Well last week we found each other on facebook and have been corresponding.  How exciting!  after 48 years!!!  We skyped for an hour the other night.  It was like talking with an old friend.

Betty Jackson taught me math and science and who knows what else.  But here is the big deal:  Betty invested in me.  She saw something in me that was valuable.  She spent time with my mother talking with her about building self esteem.

She probably single handedly changed the course of the ship of my life.  I know that teaching can be tough.  Rough kids, unhappy parents, extra hours, and so on.  But if you are a teacher, never doubt that you are making a difference in the lives of children.  You are shaping them and changing them.  Some day in 48 years you may reconnect with an old student and make their day.

Never underestimate the power of one person to touch the life of another.

It is a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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