Monday, March 13, 2017

leaving the self behind

Jesus said, "If any man would come after me he must renounce himself and follow me."
There is no Christianity without self-denial.

How do we renounce ourselves?
By living sacrificially.
We are not living the Christian life when we are taking to ourselves.

I need more, I want more – this is the American mantra.
I must protect what is mine – it is our way.

But the Christian life is different, it is a life of sacrificial living.
What can you do - what can I do to help another?
That is what it’s all about.  Any other definition of Christianity is self serving. 
Self renunciation is well ---- self renunciation.

Christianity is not about what we collect, or what we learn, it is about what we give away.

It’s a beautiful day in God’s world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

OK U sure r being strong here

Anonymous said...

OK U sure r being strong here