Tuesday, March 7, 2017

second half truths

Many of the truths my parents experienced in their second half of life I am now experiencing too. Aches and pains from reasons known and unknown.  New things appearing on my skin.  The joy of seeing my kids become adults. Understanding it is important to listen to my Doctor’s advice. That it is a blessing to have a wife to grow older with…

And here is another truth I have discovered.

“In the second half of life, people have less power to infatuate you. But they also have much less power to control you or hurt you.” – Rohr

I read this just the other day but I have been thinking something similar for some time now. I need to value time and value the good people in my life more. I need to not waste time on those who want to rob me or others of what is precious.

Lion’s Den Man


Unknown said...

I remember this about my mother Hopeing I can grow old gracefully n accept the changes that come with it

Unknown said...

I remember seeing alot about this in my mother ( n why I still miss her) Hopeing I can grow old gracefully n accept the changes that come with it