Here is the problem with that kind of thinking.... It is not my job or your job to convert people. That is God's job. It is our job to love them.
I have come to believe that in this life we must earn the right to speak into someone's spiritual life. We must be invited in by them. Then, carefully we might be able to reach them. But if you are not invited in, if you force your way in, all they will do is resist.
1 Peter 3 reminds us to be ready to give answer of the hope that lies within us. By loving people, we open the door to a talk about our hope. By pushing people around we close the door. Well meaning Christians drive away the very people that they are trying to win. Don't be one of those.
I had a dream many years ago in which my mother appeared to me from beyond the grave.... She said to me, "Love them Jeff, just love them, that is all that matters." I would add this, that really, that is all that we can do, all that we are supposed to do. We love them, God reaches them.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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I am leading some trips in 2018. If you are interested in reading about them, or joining in, the links are below.....
Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018
Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018