Saturday, January 13, 2018

Resolutions or not?

My friend Susan sent this in...

Resolutions or not?

For the past week, I’ve been thinking about this idea of making a resolution. So many make resolutions, starting the year determined and motivated! But, after a few weeks, the resolution goes by the wayside, and it is back to the status quo. Maybe we are resolving to do something we are not passionate about. Maybe it is too big of a goal, and although we want the result, we are not committed to putting in the work.

Some people resolve NOT to make a resolution. They don’t want to go on a diet, or start working out, or organize their homes more, etc. I would suggest that the kind of resolution we should be making is not for ourselves. We should be resolving to reach out, serve, help, and love others. Examples:

1. Random acts of kindness
2. Make and pass out blessing bags to people in need
3. Take a meal to friends or neighbors who are ill or have experienced loss
4. Shovel a neighbor’s driveway or mow their yard [Yes Susan lives in KC]
5. Invite a friend who is alone over for a meal or just to hang out
6. Send a card to someone just so they know you are thinking of them.
7. Volunteer to feed the homeless

You get the idea. When you reach out and DO something to help others, YOU get SO MUCH in return.!! Your heart is full. You have renewed energy. It makes you want to do MORE. And friends, God made us for the MORE. He made us to be His hands and feet. Live life to the fullest by resolving this year to be the one God made you to be. Be MORE. Happy New Year!

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