The minister at our church in Coronado asked an interesting question today. He asked, “Who did you bring to church today?” Since my wife was home under the weather, I thought, “Well, me, I guess”.
But he began to describe all of the people in his life who he brought to church every week: the first minister he trained under, an aunt who raised him after he lost his parents, a parishioner from his prior church who was the first to volunteer, the last to leave.
And he asked again, “Who did you bring to church today?”
I thought of my mom, who made me go to church until it seemed normal as an adult. Lamentations of mortal sins were very effective. Then there was my friend Charlie, who taught me (and still reminds me weekly) that religion is more like skin you live in than a suit you wear occasionally. And my former minister Jeff, who was clairvoyant about my needs for a sermon each week. Whatever the issue de jure in my life, Jeff seemed to nail a perspective I’d not contemplated. I don’t know how many times i left church thinking “I wish my (wife, sons , daughters, partners, etc) had been here to hear this. But it was enough that I was. There are many, many others that I take to church with me each week.
Which leads to an obvious and not so obvious questions. Ask yourself: “Who are you taking to church this week?” It will awaken an appreciation for the blessings you’ve had.
And the not so obvious: “Who is taking you to church this week?”
Think about it.
It's a beautiful day in God's world be sure to see the good.
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But he began to describe all of the people in his life who he brought to church every week: the first minister he trained under, an aunt who raised him after he lost his parents, a parishioner from his prior church who was the first to volunteer, the last to leave.
And he asked again, “Who did you bring to church today?”
I thought of my mom, who made me go to church until it seemed normal as an adult. Lamentations of mortal sins were very effective. Then there was my friend Charlie, who taught me (and still reminds me weekly) that religion is more like skin you live in than a suit you wear occasionally. And my former minister Jeff, who was clairvoyant about my needs for a sermon each week. Whatever the issue de jure in my life, Jeff seemed to nail a perspective I’d not contemplated. I don’t know how many times i left church thinking “I wish my (wife, sons , daughters, partners, etc) had been here to hear this. But it was enough that I was. There are many, many others that I take to church with me each week.
Which leads to an obvious and not so obvious questions. Ask yourself: “Who are you taking to church this week?” It will awaken an appreciation for the blessings you’ve had.
And the not so obvious: “Who is taking you to church this week?”
Think about it.
It's a beautiful day in God's world be sure to see the good.
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I am leading a trip to Ireland next year. If you are interested in reading about it, or joining in, the link is below.....
Treasures of Ireland
July 13-22, 2020
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