My opinion...
Halloween is fun. Cute kids. Scarry costumes. A pot of chilli. Scary movies. Halloween is fun.
Not my opinion, this is the truth...
My mother, who was a religious zealot, was strict about everything else, but loved Halloween.
More truth...
Halloween is not the devil's day. The devil does not get a day. He is a subordinate creature, created by God as an angel. He is not all knowing, not all present, and not all powerful. We have made a creature, created as an angel, into the opposite of God.
My opinion... this is silliness on our part. We love dichotomy. We love dualism. So we love the for and against, the either or, the good and bad, the in and out. And so we created a mental system where the angel is on one shoulder and the devil is on the other.
The devil is not the opposite of God. The devil does not have and does not get a day.
Halloween is fun! It should be fun! Relax! Enjoy! Celebrate those who have gone on before us.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.