"Drink the Kool-Aid," or "drinking the Kool-Aid" is a phrase made famous by the People's Temple incident of 1978 in which over 900 followers of Rev. Jim Jones committed suicide by drinking Kool-Aid laced with cyanide.
Kool-aid was/is that sweet, tasty drink from our youth that was so satisfying. But when poisoned, it can be deadly.
Sometimes the rank and file believe what is coming down to them from the top without question. Sometimes this is safe, and sometimes this is the right thing to do. Some leaders can be trusted. But in many cases, what we get from the top is fraught with self interest, so much so that the information cannot be trusted. [hint: if information is not disclosed, or if you are not allowed to question, then beware.]
In such cases, to blindly believe what we have been taught is tantamount to "drinking the Kool-Aid." In Christianity, there is a lot of Kool-Aid to drink. Lots of doctrine, and lots of ideas that have been pushed onto us from the top down.
Don't drink the Kool-Aid. When something feels fishy to you, always return to the words and teachings of Jesus.
Just because you have been taught something your entire life does not make it true. Look in the mirror. Is there a purple stain on your mouth? Is there one on mine?
Never be afraid to question what you believe. God is not threatened by our questions. He welcomes our thoughts and questions. A relationship with him is a place of peace, not a place of fear.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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