Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Thank you

Sunday I mentioned again, again, that our Christianity can be measured by how we treat people in the service industry.

A friend shared this story with me a few years ago...

On my way to work this morning, I stopped by Starbucks for my fix. As always, my mind was on what I needed to do for the day and what I wanted to accomplish. Leaving my car, I encountered a city sanitation worker stabbing trash with a fork and bagging it up. I honestly don't know where my words came from...I usually go on about my business. But this time, I stopped and said..." thank you for your work, I really appreciate what you are doing."  I have no idea why I said that to a perfect stranger. I walked on down the sidewalk. Next, I heard.. "Hey.. come back here"  Turning around, the guy said to me..."Nobody ever said that to me before.. thanks".

Like I said.. I am usually about MY OWN business.  But at that moment, I felt like the day was worth living because maybe I made it better for someone.  But later on, I decided that the incident did much more for me than it did for the trash man.  Maybe I was about ANOTHER business and didn't even know it.  Maybe I had already accomplished what I was supposed to do for the day. Hmmmmm...

Who can you reach for and care about today?

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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I am leading a trip to Italy in November of this year with Pastor Sherri Swanson.  There is plenty of room and we would love to have you join!!!

click here for the Italy brochure

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