Friday, November 10, 2017

I fumbled

Sunday I fumbled, I bumbled my way through the service.  I was gone last week so it was like I forgot how everything went.  People don't understand how much pressure is on a pastor or worship leader's brain to do all the things in the right way and the right order.

  • It started when the song lyrics on the screen did not match what the song leaders were singing.  I tried unsuccessfully to get their attention.
  • Next I wasn't sure if it was time for the passing of the peace.  I had to ask.
  • Then I forgot that it was time to preach.
  • Now I am completely disheveled and I forgot to record the sermon.
  • Then I forgot to ask the people to bring their connect cards and their offerings up during communion.
  • Then I introduced the closing hymn.......... "Lets and stand and sing This is my Fathers world."  The hymn was actually "Faith of our Fathers."

I felt like a complete loser..........
I am glad that God uses those who are less than perfect.

It’s a beautiful day in God’s world, be sure to see the good.
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Travel with Pastor Jeff

Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018

Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018

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