Saturday, March 2, 2019

United Methodist Decision

A few days ago the General Conference of the United Methodist Church met in special session to once again discuss the Church's relationship to LGBTQ people.  After much wrangling, the traditionalists won 54% - 46%.  The current language restricting the ordination and marriages of LGBTQ people will remain in effect.

I am disappointed in this decision.  I don't understand why some folks fall on their sword over this issue.  Some say, well "the bible says."

The Bible condones slavery, but we don't.  The Bible records God telling the Israelites to kill innocent people, but we don't believe in that.  The Bible says that a rebellious son should be killed, but we don't believe that.

The Bible says more about gluttony than homosexuality, yet we ordain fat preachers [I am one]  We marry fat people and we treat them as members in good standing.

The church has taken another step along the path of losing credibility with the younger generation.  I am only hopeful that in the years to come, we will finally vote to include everyone in the life of the church.

The United Methodist Church is still my home.  I didn't agree with everything before this vote, and I hung around.  I don't agree with this, but this is still my church and I am going to keep working for the good of all people.

It's a beautiful day in God's world be sure to see the good.
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Paris-Normandy River Cruise
October 23-31, 2019

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