Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Israel Museum

As you know I stayed a couple of extra days in Jerusalem.  I was going to go to the tank museum today but it was raining really hard.

I went to the Israel Museum.  Now I like museums and I have been to a bunch of them in my life.  This was absolutely amazing.  Israel has a couple of sources for museum pieces that most countries do not.  First of all, people have moved here from all over the world, some of them bringing some very nice museum grade pieces with them.  Secondly, Christians and Jews from all over the world love Israel.  It is not uncommon for a wealthy person to spend their life collecting things and then at their death, donate it all to the Israel museum.  Here is some of what I saw...

Excellent examples of ancient pots and columns

Model of an Egyptian boat 1500BC

Amazing carved stone pieces in excellent condition.

Stone, bone and ivory figurines

Life size Egyptian cat 

figurines of all types, from all countries

Excellent examples of Roman statues and busts

Stunning mosaic floors from 100AD

A wonderful section on the Aztecs and Incas
Donated by someone who collected these
things their entire life and then left it
all to the Israel Museum

I can't imagine the excitement that an archaeologist
feels when they unearth something like this.

There was a large section of items from Africa.

African shields

Amazing items from the orient.

Golden statues of Buddah

Samurai warrior armor.  1500AD
Who knows how to find this stuff?

The entire museum was filled with some of the best
museum pieces I have ever seen.

The Nazi's destroyed the synagogues during WW2
but the Jews saved everything that they could carry with them.
When Jews came to Israel from all over Europe after WW2
many of them brought the menorah's, torah scrolls, and 
items from the worship area.  It was an incredible collection.

The synagogue items were grouped by countries.  These
came from Poland, these from Germany, these from 
Bulgaria, These from Russia.  It was so touching.

Entire synagogues have been purchased and brought
back to the museum.

When all the Jews of this town moved to
Israel, someone bought the old synagogue, 
dismantled it and moved it to Jerusalem
and now here it is in the museum.  Amazing!!!

burial coffins

Burial ossuaries.  This one might have belonged to
someone who was known for being a nagger.

These Jewish students stopped me and interviewed
me for their field trip.

Amazing, highest quality statues and figurines

Bronze and Iron age.... carve the shape of an axe or an
arrow head into the limestone, then use it as a mold.  Wow!!!

Eight foot tall wall reliefs from several palaces.

This was a wonderful 4 hour visit to the Israel Museum.  Tomorrow I am going to try again to go to the tank museum.

It's a beautiful day in God's world be sure to see the good.
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I am leading some trips this year and next. If you are interested in reading about them, or joining in, the links are below.....

Paris-Normandy River Cruise
October 23-31, 2019

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