I think that we all want to have a sense of significance. A feeling that we matter. We don't want to just live and die, we want to make a difference.
If you are like me, you tend to measure yourself by the big stories, the famous stories... and when I do that, I don't measure up. I am not Adam Hamilton, I was not George Brett, not Bob Villa or Robin Williams.
Sure, there are all kinds of famous people. They seem significant to us. My Dad used to say, "son, there will always be those ahead of you, and those behind you, those with more than you and those with less."
I want to remind you and me that significance is really measured one person at a time. One person, one moment, one act of kindness. You can, I can, be very significant to others, simply by being kind.
People won't always remember what you said, they won't always remember what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel.
Who are you reaching for in this life? Go create a moment of significance.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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